Step #3: For both Traditional and Step Ahead Programs
Apply in Early September
CAUTION: Blow sidewalks & driveways
with leaf blower or sweep before watering to prevent rust spots!
All Seasons Lawn & Tree Fertilizer
19-4-2 plus 16% Sulfur/12% Iron
with no pesticides
Apply in early September. "Ultimate All Seasons Lawn &
Tree Fertilizer" may be applied at anytime to your lawn, trees, shrubs, bushes
and flower beds. All applications on all grasses should be at a rate of 18 lbs.
on up to 5,000 sq. ft., except buffalograss, which can be 18 lbs. on up to
6,000 sq. ft. If you do not use a 4-step program and want only plant food without
herbicides, this product should be applied in April, June, early September and
early November on cool season grasses. The best times to apply on warm season
grasses are mid-May, early July and early August. Follow instructions on the